The goal of the Aruba Certification Program is to provide correct and consistent information about Aruba while stimulating appreciation for our island.

Eleva bo conocemento di Aruba y servicio

Meet our instructors

#is authentic | #is awesome | #has quality features | #has Zjeito | #is the best

She has been working with the ACP team since we started in July 2011.
She is the ACP Coordinator, who arranges our workshop schedules, keeps track of our statistics and database. She is also one of the facilitator. One of her main hobbies is taking panoramic pictures of the nature and historic buildings.
He has been working with the ACP team since the project started in July 2011. He is our ACP researcher. This way we can make sure that all the facts are right. He is also one of our facilitators with an expertise in historic events that took place on our island. One of his main hobbies is taking pictures of cultural events, historic buildings etc.
She has been working with the ACP team since July 2011 and is the youngest of the team. She is our Marketing Coordinator. This entails keeping contact with the customers, coordinate workshop dates, site inspection for on property trainings and also following up with all clients that subscribe digitally etc.

Contact us

Have feedback, questions or just want to know more - please feel free to send us a message
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